Embedding concurrent assertions in procedural code

Hi ,
I was referring to section 16.14.6 of the LRM which mentions :

Embedding concurrent assertions in procedural code
A concurrent assertion statement can also be embedded in a procedural block. For example:
property rule;
a ## 1 b ## 1 c;
always @(posedge clk) begin
assert property (rule);
A clock shall be inferred for the context of an always or initial procedure that satisfies the following
a) There is no blocking timing control in the procedure. // Need assistance with this
b) There is exactly one event control in the procedure.

Since in the above LRM quote the procedural statements were listed before the procedural concurrent assertion, I decided to try a few variations of procedural statements with a delay : edalink
Based on (a) cases +define+C1 , +define+C2 are illegal ( tools throw compilation error ).
However I am not clear on +define+C3 , should it be considered illegal according to the LRM ?

a) There is no blocking timing control in the procedure.

Does the above LRM quote mean that there should be no blocking construct within the entire always / initial procedural block containing a concurrent assertion ?

I think a) is worded rather poorly. Perhaps it would have been better to have written:

a) There shall be no blocking timing controls within the entire procedural block.

But either way, it is clear to me that a #0 anywhere within the procedure is illegal. Your unlikely case might have uncovered a tool specific issue.