Coverpoint bins with enum excluded

Currently I have a coverpoint that puts an opcode value nicely into bins based on an enum:

cp_with_enum: coverpoint (my_enum'(opcode));

The enum is only a subset of the whole opcode space. What do I want to do to create an ‘inverse’ of this coverpoint for the remainder values that aren’t part of the enum. Each bin would just be a number. I tried to do something like below but it did not generate any bins.

cp_with_remainder: coverpoint (opcode)
   bins remainder[] = cp_with_remainder with (!(item inside {my_enum'(opcode)}));

In reply to atashinchi:
You can put the enumerations in a list, and then use that with the inside operator.

typedef my_enum my_enum_list_t[$];
  const my_enum_list_t enum_array = enum_array_values();
  function automatic my_enum_list_t enum_array_values;
    my_enum tmp = tmp.first;
    do begin
      tmp =;
    while (tmp  != tmp.first);

cp_with_remainder: coverpoint (opcode)
   bins remainder[] = cp_with_remainder with (!(item inside (enum_array)));