Configuration of sequences started from a virtual sequence

In my testbench, all the agent sequences are started from a virtual sequence. Therefore if I use this code from the cookbook example:

scope_name = get_full_name(); // this is { sequencer.get_full_name() , get_name() }

Instead of getting “env.agent.sequencer.sequence_name”, I get “vseq.sequence_name” (where “vseq” is the virtual sequence).

Am I doing something wrong here? What would be the preferred way to set configuration for a sequence running on a specific agent for this case? The best solution I have thought of is to pass the m_sequencer to the uvm_config_db#()::get call instead of using get_full_name, but then I can’t set a different config for different sequences.

In reply to miketrim:

You are executing the get_full_name() on a sequence. And this Returns you as scope a sequence path.
But I do not understand why you are using this complicated construct.
I’m using in the virtual sequence references to the Agent sequencers like this:

class example_top_base_seq extends uvm_sequence #(uvm_sequence_item);


  example_top_config  cfg;
  apb_sequencer	apb_sequencer_i;
  spi_sequencer	spi_sequencer_i;

  extern function new(string name = "example_top_base_seq");

  extern task body();
  // constraints

endclass : example_top_base_seq

This is in the base class. In the actual sequence I have the references of the corresponding sequences like this:

class example_top_default_seq extends example_top_base_seq;


  // UVC sequences
  apb_default_seq	apb_seq;
  spi_default_seq	spi_seq;

  extern function new(string name = "example_top_default_seq");
  extern task body();

endclass : example_top_default_seq

I’m using this construct because that is what the UVM cookbook recommends: Config/ConfiguringSequences

My sequences are constructed in the same way as your examples. But that doesn’t explain how one should retrieve associated values from the config db.

In reply to miketrim:
Doing this you have to use the p_sequencer concept, because the sequence has no Position in the testbench hierarchy. This Looks like this:

class my_seq extends uvm_sequence #(instruction);
  instruction minst;
  task pre_start;
    uvm_config_db #(my_config)::get( p_sequencer, "",
                                     "config", config);

  task body;
    minst.randomize() with { max_data == config.max; };

In reply to chr_sue:

Don’t use p_sequencer because that method requires you to define a sequencer and also makes the sequence dependent on a specific type of sequencer, limiting portability.

Use m_sequencer instead:

class my_seq extends uvm_sequence #(instruction);

  instruction minst;
  task pre_start;
    uvm_config_db #(my_config)::get( m_sequencer, "",
                                     "config", config);
  task body;
    minst.randomize() with { max_data == config.max; };

I faced exactly the same issue as this post.
In addition to the way cgales suggested, I confirmed the following also works.

uvm_config_db #(my_config)::get( m_sequencer, get_name(), "config", config);

Then, you can set different config for different sequences based on their name.

I found a cookbook article mentioning the way cgales suggested.
But it doesn’t say anything about the case of a virtual sequence usage. The cookbook should be updated.

By the way, should get_sequencer() be used instead of m_sequencer?

uvm_config_db #(my_config)::get( get_sequencer(), get_name(), "config", config);

In reply to Orimitsu:

In my eyes the last line in your post using


instead of


is the prefered one.
m_sequencer relates to p_sequencer you normally should not use.

I looked up get_full_name() in sequece. It is defined in uvm_sequence_item as follow.

  function string get_full_name();

    if(m_parent_sequence != null) 
      get_full_name = {m_parent_sequence.get_full_name(), "."};
    else if(m_sequencer!=null)
      get_full_name = {m_sequencer.get_full_name(), "."};

    if(get_name() != "") 
      get_full_name = {get_full_name, get_name()};
    else begin
      get_full_name = {get_full_name, "_item"};


That is, adding its name to its parrent sequence’s path name. In top sequence, adding its name to its sequencer’s path name. Therefore, no sequencer’s path name is gotten if a virtual sequencer with null sequencer is used as a top sequence.
Since each sequence is agnostic to top sequence, get_full_name() should never be used in sequeces. get_sequencer() and get_name() should be used instead. The cookbook should be modified.

I found another function, get_sequence_path(). This function returns the path name of a sequence from top sequence. This is better than get_name(). So, the description should be like the following.

uvm_config_db #(my_config)::get( get_sequencer(), get_sequence_path(), "config", config);

This is a definitive way. Sequence configuration of the cookbook should be rewritten in this way.