In reply to lisa.lalice:
Your question is ambiguous, but let me explain what your code actually says.
@(negedge clk) // At this event
if ((clk_dis ==1) && (cmd_debug == 'h535245)) // if that is true then
##27 // I wait for 27 @(negedge clk) clocking events
@(negedge clk) (1, start=$realtime) // and then at the same @(negedge clk) clocking event
// I save the current time
|-> @(posedge clk) $realtime-start>= 60000; // and at the next poaedge clk,
// now - what I measured at the preceding negedge >= 60000;
// You may want this instead
property srf_clk_en_check_p;
realtime start;
@(negedge clk)
if ((clk_dis ==1) && (cmd_debug == 'h535245)) (1, start=$realtime)
##27 @(negedge clk) |-> @(posedge clk) $realtime-start>= 60000;
// Question: Is clock gated off here?
// or
property srf_clk_en_check_p;
realtime start;
@(negedge clk)
(clk_dis==1 && cmd_debug==h535245, start=$realtime) ##27 1'b1 // do you have clocks?
// Are they gated here? If gated off then you do not need the ##27 ??
|-> @(posedge clk) $realtime-start>= 60000;
// Clarify the requirements
Ben Cohen
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