In reply to anvesh dangeti:
For a symmetrical 50/50 waveform
// how to generate a clock of 20 MHZ from 100MHZ reference clock?
// 100MHZ = period 0f 10ns, 10MHZ = period 100ns, 20MHZ = period 50ns (25 lo, 25 hi)
module clkgen;
timeunit 1ns; timeprecision 100ps;
bit clk100, clk20;
bit[0:4] div =5'b10000;
initial forever #5 clk100 = !clk100;
always @(posedge clk100)
div <= {div[4], div[0:3]};
always @(posedge div[4]) begin
clk20<= 1'b1;
#25 clk20 <= 1'b0;
Ben Cohen
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