Hey guys.
Im new to formal verfication and sva my question is
How can i check that the data output go out in the same order it get in ?
What the auxiliary i should write ?
Thank you .
Hey guys.
Im new to formal verfication and sva my question is
How can i check that the data output go out in the same order it get in ?
What the auxiliary i should write ?
Thank you .
In reply to Michel_mor:
This queston is similar o the ones I address in my SVA book and at this forum.
For this case, you need 2 flags: a tag and a serving variable.
Upon a wr, you save into the local variables of the property the tag, and the dada written into the fifo. You also increment the tag variable (to be used at the next w.
int wr_tag, vdata;
(wr==1'b1, wr_tag=tag, inc_tag(), vdata=data) |=>
Within that same property, you wait for the first occurence of a rd and the serving flag== to the locally stored flag. If that occurs, you then check that the read data is what ws saved as a write. The serving flag is incremented.
first_match(##[1:$] (rd && serving==wr_tag, inc_serving()))
##0 read_data==vdata;
// My testbench
import uvm_pkg::*; `include "uvm_macros.svh"
module top;
timeunit 1ns; timeprecision 100ps;
bit clk,rd, wr;
int tag=0, serving=0, data=0, read_data=0;
default clocking @(posedge clk);
initial forever #10 clk=!clk;
// How can i check that the data output goes out in the same order it get in ?
function void inc_tag();
function void inc_serving();
serving=serving +1'b1;
property p_rdwr;
int wr_tag, vdata;
(wr==1'b1, wr_tag=tag, inc_tag(), vdata=data) |=>
first_match(##[1:$] (rd && serving==wr_tag, inc_serving()))
##0 read_data==vdata;
ap_reqack: assert property(p_rdwr);
// tag <=1'b0; else tag<= 1'b0; works for one 2nd req
initial begin : init
repeat(5) begin : w0 // setup some writes
@(posedge clk); #1
wr <= 1'b1;
rd <= 1'b0;
data <= data+1'b1;
end : w0
repeat(3) begin : r0 // setup some reads
@(posedge clk); #1
wr <= 1'b0;
rd <= 1'b1;
read_data <= read_data+ 1'b1;
end : r0
repeat(200) begin : rpt // random
@(posedge clk); #1
if (!randomize(rd, wr, read_data, data) with
{rd dist {1'b1:=1, 1'b0:=3};
wr dist {1'b1:=1, 1'b0:=1};
data dist {7:=2, 9:=1};
read_data dist {7:=2, 9:=1};}
) `uvm_error("MYERR", "This is a randomize error");
end : rpt
end : init
Ben Cohen
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thank you very much :)