What is the relationship between SV dynamic cast $cast() and UVM type override? Does SV $cast() know anything about type overrides made by UVM? Based on the following example, it does… Does it come from that statement in the LRM 1800-2012, 8.16 Casting:
… and the source is an object that is assignment compatible with the destination type. This type of assignment requires a run-time check as provided by $cast.
What does that mean?
module test_module ();
`include "macros.svh"
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
import uvm_pkg::*;
class agent_a extends uvm_agent;
function new(string name = "agent_a", uvm_component parent = null);
super.new(name, parent);
endfunction : new
endclass : agent_a
class agent_b extends agent_a;
string field = "field";
function new(string name = "agent_b", uvm_component parent = null);
super.new(name, parent);
endfunction : new
endclass : agent_b
agent_a agent_a_h;
uvm_agent temp;
agent_b agent_b_h;
agent_a agent_a_h_2;
int cast1, cast2, cast3;
initial begin
agent_a_h = agent_a::type_id::create("agentti_h", null);
temp = agent_a_h;
cast1 = $cast(agent_a_h_2, agent_a_h); // This $cast works also with type override, why?
cast2 = $cast(agent_b_h, agent_a_h); // This $cast won't work without type override, why?
cast3 = $cast(agent_b_h, temp); // This $cast won't work without type override either.
$display("casts = ", cast1, cast2, cast3);
$display("field = ", agent_b_h.field);
endmodule : test_module
Thank you already in advance!