I am told to do bit conversion using streaming operator.
I have a packet of 20 bits in size from a module and it must be packed to 32 bits packet while going from the module(Not zero padding)
How can I solve this issue using streaming operator?
In reply to bachan21:
I don’t think i understand your question properly…
but based on my understanding
module dut_tb;
typedef struct {
bit [7:0] addr;
bit [7:0] data;
} packet_in;
logic [31:0] combined_data;
initial begin
packet_in p_in;
p_in.addr = 10'hAB;
p_in.data = 10'hCD;
combined_data = { { >>{p_in.addr,p_in.data} } };
$display("data = %0h",combined_data);
In reply to bachan21:
I don’t understand your question either. Where are the extra 12 bits supposed to come from? Try explaining wha the code would like like without using the streaming operator.
In reply to dave_59:
Hi Dave,
I am getting 20 bits packet from sdi module and that packet will be used in aximm after converting to 32 bits. I want to implement this logic in my TB scoreboard.
Let me elaborate my scoreboard logic with 8 bits and 16 bit data(for the simplicity of briefing) instead of 20 and 32 bits data packets. I am storing the 8 bit value into an array and that will be converted into an array of 16 bit values.
Lets assume an array of 8 bits in hex.
A8 = '{'h05, 'h1a, 'h46, 'had, 'h19, 'ha9}
And 16 bit converted array after streaming will be
B16 = '{'h051a, 'h46ad, 'h19a9}
This is the way I want my logic to be, but with 20 bits and 32 bits instead of 8 and 16 bits respectively
How can put this into a systemverilog code