I have a chip-level test with the structure of a base_test and all specific test cases extend from base_test. The environment consists of an I2C UVC and a register model with backdoor access. I want to create a unit test environment for a sub-component of the chip-level that would use the same register model and I2C UVC. The HDL path for backdoor access will differ for the unit test and some of the base_test functionality is not possible for the unit test.
My question is this: Is it okay practice to use `ifdef macros to reuse the chip-level verification components (i.e. using a different hdl path, not compiling code only applicable to the chip-level)? Ideally I’d like to be able to run the same tests for both chip-level and unit level and this seems to be the most feasible way to do so.
Not sure what code I can share, but if there’s more context I can provide let me know.