Assertion to check a signal asserting before or after few clock cycles

In reply to PavanSP:
Consider the following with a lock variable to lockout the rose(a) or rose(b) if one was triggered.

    bit clk, a, b, lock;  
    initial forever #10 clk=!clk;  
    function void setlock(bit x);

    ap_a: assert property(@ (posedge clk) 
         ($rose(a) && !lock, setlock(1)) |-> ##[0:10] (b) ##0 (1, setlock(0))) 
              else setlock(0);  // releas lock if pass or fail 

    ap_b: assert property(@ (posedge clk)  
         ($rose(b) && !lock, setlock(1)) |-> ##[0:10] (a) ##0 (1, setlock(0)))
              else setlock(0);  


Ben Cohen
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