I have my write function defined in my scoreboard - This collects the tran from the request monitor and prints the tran req
function void write_a_waddr(a_req_txn_t tran);
bit is_write = 0;
bit [31:0] addr;
logic [`MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axi_wdata[$];
logic [`MAX_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] tmp_axi_wdata;
bit [`MAX_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] axi_addr;
if (tran.trans_type == AXI_WRITE) begin is_write = 1;
addr = tran.addr;
`uvm_info("TEST", $sformatf("WRITE: Received axi_req: %s\n", tran.sprint()), UVM_NONE);
I want to add my functionality to this function like whenever i see AXI_WRITE i.e, is_write = 1 i want to take the addr and wdata and write to some other interface
I have a task defined which does AXI reads and writes
a_write (sequencer, a_id, a_strb, a_len, a_wdata …)
a_read(sequencer, a_id, a_strb, a_len, a_rdata …)
Obviously i cannot call these task inside the write method
how to achieve this ?