Why is my Verilog code for jk flip flop showing dont care in outputs?

module jkff3(
    input j,
    input k,
    input clk,
    inout q3,
    inout q4,
	 output q,
	 output q1
wire k1,j1;
and n1(k1,q3,k,clk);
and n2(j1,q4,j,clk);
nor n3(q3,k1,q4);
nor n4(q4,j1,q3);
assign q=q3;
assign q1=q4;

//edit i did a mistake in this code i did not assign q and q1 as q3 and a4 previously

In reply to aritrakunda3:
Show your testbench.

In reply to dave_59:
//the code

module jkff3_test2;

// Inputs
reg j;
reg k;
reg clk;

// Outputs
wire q;
wire q1;

// Bidirs
wire q3;
wire q4;

// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
jkff3 uut (

initial begin
	// Initialize Inputs
	j = 0;
	k = 0;
	clk = 0;

	// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish

// Add stimulus here



In reply to aritrakunda3:
//the timing diagram
Your text to link here…

In reply to aritrakunda3:

Here q3 and q4 are used in ANDing operation but you do not have any driver for q3 and q4. Moreover, I don’t understand why the ports are the ports q3 and q4 required? These should be internal wires.