Unable to verify these errors

// Code your design here
virtual class trains;
  protected int times = -1;
  protected int price = -1;
  protected string name ;
  protected int seat_no = -1;
  function new (int t, int p, string n, int s);
    // t = times. p = price. n = name. s = seat_no
    times = t;
    price = p;
    name = n;
    seat_no = s;
    endfunction : new
  function int get_times();
    return times;
   function int get_price();
    return price;
  function string get_name();
    return name;
  function int get_seat_no();
    return seat_no;
  pure virtual function void station();
    endclass : trains
class express extends trains;
      protected string name;
      function new(int times_1, int price_1, int seat_1, string name_1)
        super.new(.t(times_1), .p(price_1), .s(seat_1), .n(name_1));
      endfunction : new
      function void station();
        $display ("* THIS TRAIN DEPARTS FROM kARACHI = %s *" , get_name());
        $display ("* THE TIME OF DEPARTURE IS = %0d * ", get_times());
        $display ("* THE TIME OF DEPARTURE IS = %0d * ", get_price());
        $display ("* THE TIME OF DEPARTURE IS = %0d * ", get_seat_no());
      endfunction : station
endclass : express
    class mails extends trains;
      function news_2(int times_2, int_price_2, int seat_no_2, string name_2);
        super.news_2(.t(times_2), .n(name_2));
      endfunction : news_2
      function void station();
        $display ("INFORMATION");
        $display ("SORRY! BUT YOUR TRAIN = %s , has been delayed", get_name());
        $display (" NOW YOUR TRAIN WILL DEPARTURE AT = %0d, pm", get_times());
      endfunction : station
    endclass : mails
    class locals extends express
      function news_3(int times_3, int price_3, int_seat_3, string name_3);
        endfunction : news_3 
      function void station();
        $display("SORRY! BUT YOUR TRAIN = %s , has been cancelled due to heavy rain", get_name());
        $display (" YOU CAN TAKE YOUR REFUND BACK");
      endfunction : station
    endclass : locals
     class passenger extends mails
       function news_4(int times_3, int price_3, int_seat_3, string name_3);
         super.news_4(.n(name_3), .p(price_3));
        endfunction : news_4 
      function void station();
        $display("The Price of ticket of Train = %0d ,", get_price(), "And the Name Of Train Is = %s ", get_name());
        $display (" HOPE YOU WILL ENJOY YOUR TRAVEL");
      endfunction : station
    endclass : passenger
    class my_code #(type A);
      protected static A platform[$];
      static function void  platform_1(A a);
      endfunction : platform_1
      static function void schedule();
        $display (" THE TRAINS WHICH WILL GO TODAY = ");
      endfunction : schedule
    endclass : my_code
    module top;
      initial begin
        express express_h;
        mails mails_h;
        locals locals_h;
        passenger paseenger_h;
        $display ("* WELCOME TO PAKISTAN RAILWAY*** ");
        $display ("* Today Schedule is as under *");
        express_h = news_1(10, 2250, 7, "Rehman Baba Express");
        my_schedule #(express) :: platform_1(express_h);
        express_h = news_1(3, 4500, 23, "Karakoram Express");
        my_schedule #(express) :: platform_1(express_h);
        express_h = news_1(5, 3000, 10, "Karachi Express");
        my_schedule #(express) :: platform_1(express_h);
        express_h = news_1(2, 1200, 11, "Allama Iqbal Express");
        my_schedule #(express) :: platform_1(express_h);
        express_h = news_1(7, 5500, 2, "Shah Hussain Express");
        my_schedule #(express) :: platform_1(express_h);
        mails_h = news_2(6, "Bolan Mail Express");
        my_schedule #(mails):: platform_1(mails_h);
        mails_h = news_2(7, "Awam Express");
        my_schedule #(mails):: platform_1(mails_h);
        locals_h = news_3("Pak Business Express");
        my_schedule #(locals):: platform_1(locals_h);
        locals_h = news_3( "Mehran Express");
        my_schedule #(locals):: platform_1(locals_h);
        locals_h = news_3( "Karachi Circular Railways");
        my_schedule #(locals):: platform_1(locals_h);
        passenger_h = news_4(3500, "Pak Business Express");
        my_schedule #(passenger):: platform_1(passenger);
        passenger_h = news_4(9500, "Sirsyed Express");
        my_schedule #(passenger):: platform_1(passenger);
    endmodule : top

ERROR VCP2000 “Syntax error. Unexpected token: super[_SUPER]. This is a SystemVerilog keyword since IEEE Std 1800-2005 and cannot be used as an identifier. Use -v2k5, -v2k or -v95 argument for compilation.” “design.sv” 42 14
ERROR VCP2000 “Syntax error. Unexpected token: endclass[_ENDCLASS]. This is a SystemVerilog keyword since IEEE Std 1800-2005 and cannot be used as an identifier. Use -v2k5, -v2k or -v95 argument for compilation.” “design.sv” 56 9
ERROR VCP2000 “Syntax error. Unexpected token: function[_FUNCTION].” “design.sv” 78 15
ERROR VCP2000 “Syntax error. Unexpected token: endclass[_ENDCLASS]. This is a SystemVerilog keyword since IEEE Std 1800-2005 and cannot be used as an identifier. Use -v2k5, -v2k or -v95 argument for compilation.” “design.sv” 87 13
ERROR VCP2000 “Syntax error. Unexpected token: function[_FUNCTION].” “design.sv” 90 16
ERROR VCP2000 “Syntax error. Unexpected token: endclass[_ENDCLASS]. This is a SystemVerilog keyword since IEEE Std 1800-2005 and cannot be used as an identifier. Use -v2k5, -v2k or -v95 argument for compilation.” “design.sv” 99 13

In reply to ARK010:

Please use code tags. I have added them for you.

An ‘unexpected token’ error usually indicates a typo or missing delimiter. In this case, you are missing a ‘;’ in your code in several places.

In reply to cgales:

Sir from where can i take reference of the changes you’ve made. Thanks

In reply to ARK010:

I didn’t make any changes. I simply pointed out that you are missing several semi-colons in your code which is causing errors. You should be able to determine where these are missing.