How to switch from C or C++ language to System Verilog

How to Switch from from foreign language(C or C++) to Systemverilog viceversa after particular time
Ex: After 5000ms need to switch from systemverilog to C lanaguage

please Help me in this

In reply to Subbi Reddy:


There are multiple ways for achieving a handshake between C and System Verilog. The most commonly used method is to use a dedicated scratchpad memory and write some data to a particular location. Then, implement a polling API with this data as an expected argument in the C program at the appropriate time. Similarly, you can implement the System Verilog API to jump back.

Alternatively, you can send a pulse on a GPIO and wait for the pulse in the C program.

please elaborate with one example

In reply to Subbi Reddy:

This code does exactly what you asked for: After 5000ms need to switch from systemverilog to C lanaguage

module test;
  import "DPI-C" function void  C_code();

    initial begin
      $display("Hello from SystemVerilog");
      #5000ms  C_code();

#include <stdio.h>
void C_code() {
  printf("Hello from C\n");

But your question does not make complete sense since C/C++ has no concept of simulation time. You need to elaborate what you are trying to accomplish.

May i Know, How to switch from c program to SV Program after some time

In reply to Subbi Reddy:
C/C++ has no concept of simulation time. You need to elaborate what you are trying to accomplish.

Through DPI, SV TB interacting with C language program.TB calls the C method, during C method execution instantly need to jump to TB, before completing the C method execution,what is the process to Jump from C Method to SV TB for this scenario??

In reply to Subbi Reddy:

This paper might answer some of your questions: Easy Steps Towards Virtual Prototyping using the SystemVerilog DPI | DVCon 2013 | Verification Academy