Class member variable re-declaration

Why isn’t this re-declaration of arr array flagged as an error?

Doesn’t my_class2 already contain member variable arr?

class my_class;  
  bit [7:0] arr [10];  

class my_class2 extends my_class;  
  bit [7:0] arr [15];  

module tb;
  my_class  obj;
  my_class2 obj2;
  initial begin
    obj  = new();
    obj2 = new();
    $display("arr size in obj  is %0d", $size(obj.arr));
    $display("arr size in obj2 is %0d", $size(obj2.arr));
endmodule : tb

Terminal output:

arr size in obj is 10
arr size in obj2 is 15

Why should it be it simply resides inside of a different namespace and can still be accessed.
Like shown in the following example:

class my_class;  
  bit [7:0] arr [10];  
class my_class2 extends my_class;  
  bit [7:0] arr [15];  

  function ret_super_arr ();
    $display("arr size in super.arr is %0d", $size(super.arr));
module tb;
  my_class  obj;
  my_class2 obj2;
  initial begin
    obj  = new();
    obj2 = new();
    $display("arr size in obj  is %0d", $size(obj.arr));
    $display("arr size in obj2 is %0d", $size(obj2.arr));
endmodule : tb

In reply to evilpascal:

SystemVerilog supports overriding class members, so that is perfectly legal. You can do the same thing with tasks and functions.

I always did the overriding of tasks and functions, but never class members.

With namespaces now in mind, it makes perfect sense.
Thank you for the answers.

In reply to evilpascal:

WARNING: although it is possible to override class members, it creates many problems and is not recommended.Most of the time it is done by mistake when copy/pasting a base class into a derived class and inadvertently copying the member variables.

One such example problem is with constraints. When you override a class member, the constraints specified in the base class do not get applied to the overridden member.

class A;
  rand int my_int;
  constraint c {my_int > 5;}
class B extends A;
rand int my_int;
  constraint c {my_int < 10;}

Some people incorrectly assume that my_int is constrained to be 6,7,8, or 9.