Parameterized class error

I have a class defined as below -

class base_sequencer #(type REQ = base_seq_item,
                       type BYPASS = base_seq_item,
                       type SUBSCRIBER = base_sequencer)
extends uvm_sequencer #(REQ);

Is there any problem with the way “type SUBSCRIBER = base_sequencer” is declared in the above code? Is this a legal way of declaring or does this result in a recursive call?

I want to create 2 objects of the above class type, one of which I want to parameterize SUBSCRIBER with another class type while for the other object I don’t want to. Is this possible with the above code?

What is the difference of the above code with this -

class base_sequencer #(type REQ = base_seq_item,
                       type BYPASS = base_seq_item,
                       type SUBSCRIBER)
extends uvm_sequencer #(REQ);

In reply to tpan:

This first is a recursive definition. When you reference base_sequencer in the first code block, it is the same as writing

class base_sequencer #(type REQ = base_seq_item,
                       type BYPASS = base_seq_item,
                       type SUBSCRIBER = base_sequencer#(REQ,BYPASS,base_sequence#(REQ,BYPASS,base_sequence#(...)))))))
extends uvm_sequencer #(REQ);

We would need to see more of what you want to do with the body of the class to know what to recommend.

Thanks for the response, Dave. How about the 2nd syntax, does that work?

I am trying to make the following implementation.

class base_sequencer #(type REQ = base_seq_item,
                       type BYPASS = base_seq_item,
                       type SUBSCRIBER)
extends uvm_sequencer #(REQ);

    `uvm_component_param_utils(base_sequencer#(REQ, LOOPBACK_REQ, SUBSCRIBER));

     uvm_analysis_imp_bypass #(BYPASS, SUBSCRIBER) bypass_port;

     //! Subscriber function for bypass transaction
     function void write_bypass (BYPASS trans);
          //Logic to receive and store the trans
     endfunction : write_bypass

I have sequences that are reactive, i.e they need to get driven based on transactions seen from other agents. I am using the other agent’s sequencer as the subscriber. And the other agent’s transaction type is ‘BYPASS’.

So let’s say the names of the agents are base_agent and other_agent. This is what I have in my env -

function void connect_phase (uvm_phase phase);
endfunction : connect_phase

Now I also have sequences which don’t need these connections. For these I don’t want to change the SUBSCRIBER type and leave it as it is.

In reply to tpan:

Only the transaction class type needs to be compatible to make an analysis port connection. You should be able to write

class base_sequencer #(type REQ = base_seq_item,
                       type BYPASS = base_seq_item)
extends uvm_sequencer #(REQ);

typedef base_sequencer#(REQ, LOOPBACK_REQ) this_type;
     uvm_analysis_imp_bypass #(BYPASS, this_type) bypass_port;