Multiple sequence with start methid

Dear All,

As I know when we start the sequence we use start() method in run phase, then body used in sequence.

class my_test extends uvm_test; // ... 
task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); 
phase.raise_objection(this); // raise objection 
if (!seq.randomize()) 
`uvm_error(get_name(), "randomization fail"); 
seq.start(env.agent.sequencer); // starting a sequence with start() method phase.drop_objection(this); // drop objection
endtask: run_phase 

my_testclass my_sequence extends uvm_sequence#(my_transaction); 
// ... 
virtual task body(); 
`uvm_info(get_name(), "in my_sequence", UVM_LOW) 
endtask: body 
endclass: my_sequence

As you can see the code we use start method.
But if I have multiple sequences then how to do run and start?
above example is just only one sequence connected with sequencer.

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