How do i control the read and write sequence for Async FIFO?

I am writing a TB for Async FIFO and i have a problem where i need to control the winc and readinc based on wclk and rclk respectively. I have provided my write seq and write driver. I want to contstraint the winc such that it is a clock divide by 2 and then i assign it to wdata.Similarly on the read side. Can any one help? Really appreciate it.

Ex :
for (int i=0; i<32; i++) begin
@(posedge BUS.wclk iff !BUS.wfull);
winc = (i%2 == 0)? 1’b1 : 1’b0;
if (winc) begin
BUS.wdata <= req.wdata ;

class wr_seq extends uvm_sequence #(bus_seq_item);


bus_seq_item req;
bus_agent_config m_cfg;
  bit writeinc;
 // virtual bus_if BUS;

rand int limit = 40; // Controls the number of iterations

  function new(string name = "wr_seq");;

task body;
  req = bus_seq_item::type_id::create("req");
  if(!uvm_config_db #(bus_agent_config)::get(null, get_full_name(), "config", m_cfg)) begin
    `uvm_error("body", "unable to access agent configuration object")
  repeat (limit)
      assert(req.randomize with {winc ==1;rinc==0;})
      // The req handle points to the object that the driver has updated with response data
      `uvm_info("seq_body", req.convert2string(), UVM_LOW);
endtask: body

endclass: wr_seq

class wr_driver extends uvm_driver #(bus_seq_item);


bus_seq_item req;
int i;
bit localwrinc;
virtual bus_if BUS;

function new(string name = "bus_driver", uvm_component parent = null);, parent);

task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);

  // Default
  BUS.wdata <= 0;

  BUS.winc <= 0;
  // Wait for reset to end
  @(posedge BUS.wrst_n);
      @ (posedge BUS.wclk) ;
     BUS.winc <= req.winc; 
      BUS.wdata <= req.wdata;
   // end
endtask: run_phase

endclass: wr_driver[\systemverilog]

In reply to rag123:

And what is your problem?

In reply to chr_sue:

I am not sure how to do this in driver. I thought of doing this in seq but then i need to use virtual interface in seq which will create synchronization problems. So if you can show me how to do this in driver, it will be great !

In reply to rag123:

To clarify your requirement. You want to write to your DUT only on each second rising edge of your write clock. Correct?

In reply to chr_sue:

Yes that is correct.

In reply to rag123:

Is this because you want to alternativly make read and write?

In reply to chr_sue:

No read happens later. My DUT writes data every 2 clock cycles and reads every 2 clock cycles.

In reply to rag123:

Why do you use such an complicated approach for doing simple things?
Implement a simple counter which enables you the WR or RD after each second clock cycle.

In reply to chr_sue:

I need to do in driver. where do you want me to keep the counter in test bench?

In reply to rag123:

Of course in the driver. Only the driver knows about the clk, the sequence does not.

In reply to chr_sue:
