Does get_reg_by_offset provide the register link if used at the top level reg_map?

Hello !

  1. Say I have a top level reg block abcd_reg_block and has its default_map.

class abcd_reg_block extends uvm_reg_block;

  1. Also there are 4 sub reg blocks [a, b, c, d], added into the top abc_reg_block and the respective reg maps are added as sub_maps into to the top level reg_map, and also provided the respective base address offset.

class abcd_reg_block extends uvm_reg_block;
  a_reg_block a_rb;
  b_reg_block b_rb;
  c_reg_block c_rb;
  d_reg_block d_rb;

  abcd_reg_map.set_submap_offset(a_rb.default_map, 'hA050_0000)

  1. Now if I access using below code i.e. calling get reg by offset and provide the entire register address, will I get the link to the respective register which resides within a block inside the top level reg block ?


Please provide your comments !