Constraints. Understanding a particular constrain

Can any one tell me. what this constraint means? Especially why they have used 32’h7fffffff just to constraint single bit

 rand bit[3:0] eg_tx_stop_gpio_en;

   // Default constraints: disable port stop feature
   constraint c_eg_tx_stop_gpio_en_0 { eg_tx_stop_gpio_en[0] dist { 0:=32'h7fffffff, 1:=1 }; }

In reply to manavshah33:
This seems to be an attempt to make a soft constraint - a constraint that can be overridden by another conflicting constraint. 32’h7fffffff is the largest positive 32-bit integer and is being use as weight to the value 0. (The LRM never defines the type of the weight expression) This can be re-written

constraint c_eg_tx_stop_gpio_en_0 { soft eg_tx_stop_gpio_en[0] == 0 ; }

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks Dave