Class Overriding not happening in Sequence class

Hello All,

I tried to override the class sequence parameter through my test class,but it is not overriding is not happening.

Below is my code for sequence class : -

class stress_wr_seq #(DELTA=32’h8_0000) extends base_sequence;


In my testclass : -

uvm_config_db #(uvm_object_wrapper) :: set(null,$sformatf(“*.axi_wr.master_agent[%0d].sequencer.main_phase”,master_number),“default_sequence”,stress_wr_seq #(.DELTA(32’h2_0000))::get_type());

But the sequence is picking 32’h80_000 instead of 32’h20_000.
Is there anything I am missing ? Please assist .

In reply to pk_94:

Please check the stress_wr_seq class, make sure you pass the parameter DELTA to `uvm_object_utils.

class stress_wr_seq #(DELTA=32'h8_0000) extends base_sequence;