program exp;
task consume_time;
$display("Entry: %0t",$time);
fork: timeout_fork
$display("T1 finished - %0t",$time);
$display("Exit: %0t",$time);
initial begin
initial begin
wait fork;
$display("All forked threads completed. time = %0t",$time);
When running the above code, I get following output.
Entry: 0
All forked threads completed. time = 0
Exit: 5
Shouldn’t the $display after the “wait fork”, wait till timeout_fork’s T1. Why is the simulation ending at 5 instead of 100?
wait fork waits for all children of the current process to end before continuing. Each initial block is an independent process and there are no child processes of the last initial block.
Your simulation ends at time 5 instead of time 100 is reason #3 of why I recommend never using program blocks. Use a module instead.
I’m not sure I understand your question. There is no module in the example. There is a program block that waits for all initial blocks to finish. timeout_fork is a fork/join_any block that waits for any statement inside the fork to finish. The #5; statement is the first to finish, so that makes the task consume_time return and its initial block finish.
Sorry for not being clear. I mean when I used module instead of program (as suggested by you in one of the comments), the test waited for timeout_fork process to finish which was not the case for program i.e. module code ended at time 100 while program at time 5. What property of the module makes it wait for the timeout_fork process to finish?
Simulation normally ends when the current time slot event queue is empty, and there is nothing scheduled in any other future time slot. Exception are an explicit call to $finish or the implicit call to $finish caused by the program block.
In reply to kuki2002:
Simulation normally ends when the current time slot event queue is empty, and there is nothing scheduled in any other future time slot. Exception are an explicit call to $finish or the implicit call to $finish caused by the program block.
Dave :
" Simulation normally ends when the current time slot event queue is empty, and there is nothing scheduled in any other future time slot. "
Would you also explain how “always” thread works in current time slot event queue and being scheduled/terminated?
That is a process that repeatedly suspends itself and schedules something for a future time slot—you must use $finish to finish the simulation.
But if you have
always @(posedge clk) Q <= D;
That is a process that repeatedly suspends itself waiting for a clock edge. It does not schedule anything for a future time slot. The resumption of the process only goes onto the active event queue after the clock edge happens.