Where is the download for UVM Connect 2.3.1?

Links for the downloads for UVM Connect versions 2.2 and 2.3.0 are found at the bottom of the page at “UVM Connect | Verification Academy”. In my Questa 10.6b installation tree, I notice that there is a 2.3.1 version of UVM Connect. Are there plans to release this code via a link on the aforementioned Web page? Are there release notes available that summarize the fixes and improvements in this new version?

In reply to Dave Burgoon:

You can download UVM-Connect 2.3.1 form Questa Version 106b. It is there in the Installation path.

In reply to chr_sue:

What if I’m not a Questa customer? Isn’t UVM Connect supposed to be open-source under the Apache 2.0 license?

In reply to Dave Burgoon:

Links for the downloads for UVM Connect versions 2.2 and 2.3.0 are found at the bottom of the page at “UVM Connect | UVM Cookbook”. In my Questa 10.6b installation tree, I notice that there is a 2.3.1 version of UVM Connect. Are there plans to release this code via a link on the aforementioned Web page? Are there release notes available that summarize the fixes and improvements in this new version?


We’re due for an update to Verification Academy based on latest UVMC 2.3.1 release.

However, what I still want to do is qualify UVMC on UVM 1.2. With that update along with
a number of other fixes we’ll roll to UVMC 2.3.2.

Let me try to expedite this release to get it to Verification Academy. Meanwhile if you
would like our latest 2.3.1 I can provide it to you as a separate e-mailing.

– johnS

In reply to jstickle:
Thanks. I would appreciate the opportunity to exchange e-mail addresses. Please suggest a means for doing so.