What is the use of SEQ/NONSEQ in HTRANS in AHB when we know that the master sends address for each beat

What is the use of HTRANS in AHB when we know that the master sends address for each beat ?

One thing that i can understand is that to add BUSY/IDLE state HTRANS can be used. But why do we have NOSEQ/SEQ when we know that the master will send address for each beat of the transfer

Here are few scenarios to make use of NOSEQ/SEQ,

  1. When a component wants to send block of information which can be use by the other device all at once, e.g. an upsizer, this other device needs to collect all data beats before proceeding.

  2. When a component wants to send stream of information without breaking it, the component uses HLOCK and an AHB arbiter takes this HLOCK along with SEQuence information to give arbitration for the data stream.