What is part of slave agent?

i understand that

master agent has active sequence, driver, monitor.

and slave agent has active only monitor.

but why?

i can see the transaction only master monitor enough.

why i use slave agent?

thank you for reading my Question.

and i’m sorry my poor english.

i’m trying to english. fluently

In reply to TierB:
To my understanding,
I think that in general master does the main stimulus driving while slave responds by sending some responses like pready in-case of APB, so we need to monitor only the received stimulus from master and the response, no need to drive anything from the slave side hence slave agent has passive monitor.

please correct me if i’m wrong.

In reply to Mahantha Deeksha S B:

That is not a correct observation. The key differentiator is that a master initiates activity, where, as a slave is required to respond to it. Whether or not a slave agent needs to srive data back onto the bus depends on the protocol.

In reply to dave_59:

i understand that slave monitor decide to drive data to bus

is that right?

In reply to dave_59:

Understood Thank you Dave.