What does "reseed for random stability" mean?

I see similar comments frequently in UVM source code. Typically it is within a begin/end block with a “process” kept. A random seed is saved and restored before and after certain operation.

Can anyone comment why we need it and how it works? Thanks!

  • base/uvm_resource.svh

     // ensure rand stability during lookup
	process p = process::self();
	string s;
	if(p!=null) s=p.get_randstate();
	if(p!=null) p.set_randstate(s);
  • base/uvm_task_phase.svh

        process proc;

        // reseed this process for random stability
        proc = process::self();
        proc.srandom(uvm_create_random_seed(phase.get_type_name(), comp.get_full_name()));





In reply to eda2k4:

Certain operations, like constructing a class, change the random seeding of a process. There are many cases (for example, debugging) where you would like to modify your code without disturbing the random seed. If adding `uvm_info messages changed your random seeding, debugging could become impossible. The UVM puts the get/set_randstate() calls as guards around code to keep this from happening.

Dave, thanks for your reply!

How about the second case (in uvm_task_phase)? proc.srandom() gets called once. How does this help with random stability?

In reply to dave_59:

In reply to eda2k4:

In the second piece of code, the UVM is using pathnames from uvm_component hierarchy to seed processes for all the time-consuming phases that run in parallel, instead of SV’s default, which uses the order the processes get created. This means you can add or remove components from your testbench without disturbing the random seeding of the existing components.