VRM Pass Fail Status


In Questa VRM(Verification Tool Manager) regression script(.rmdb) I want to modify Output Status(Pass/Fail) of simulation results.

Suppose I have 5 tests for regression so each will generate execScript.log file in their respective folder.
So I want to parse these execScript.log and match string “TEST PASS” or “TEST FAIL”. And It will give status of all simualtion status as Pass or Fail.

What is the best way to do this?

Thank You.

I would recommend that you work with your local Mentor AE to get the support that you need to implement a solution that works for you.

However, one possible solution is to use a script that runs your simulation, parses the output and then modifies the UCDB.

A simple example script:

vsim -c -lib (%DATADIR%)/work concat_tester -GTESTNAME=Random -GSIM_TIME=100 -wlf (%INSTANCE%).wlf -l execScript.log -sv_seed (%seed%) -do “set BreakOnAssertion 2 ; run -all ; quit -f”
set Result=grep "\*\* Error" execScript.log | wc -l
set seed=grep SimSeed execScript.log | awk '{print $4 }'
if ($Result != 0) then
set Result=2
vsim -c -do “coverage save -empty $ucdbfile ;
coverage open $ucdbfile ;
coverage attr -test (%INSTANCE%) -name TESTSTATUS -value $Result ;
coverage attr -test (%INSTANCE%) -name LOGFILE -value execScript.log ;
coverage attr -test (%INSTANCE%) -name SEED -value $seed ;
coverage attr -test (%INSTANCE%) -name RUNCWD -value (%TASKDIR%) ;
coverage save $ucdbfile ; quit -f”