VIP development

How do we verify a VIP without availability of it’s DUT?
What should be approach in such scenarios?

In reply to s1712:

You cannot verify your DUT if it is not availoable.
But you can develop your UVM testbenchwithout having the DUT.
After the availability of the DUT you can immediately srat with verifying the DUT, i.e. writing sequences nd tests.

you need to have a testbench with 2 instances of vip connected back-to-back. you can replace one with the DUT when its available. most vip vendors follow this approach.

If you want to verify VIP of any protocol let’s say SPI, I2C, AHB, AXI, etc. without DUT then you can create Testbench of the following Protocols as master and slave and connect them back to back once and verify your VIP and once you have DUT then replace it with master or slave VIP which you developed and verify the same. So, in this case, you simply have to make some changes in your connection. let’s say if you are using UVM methodology then you connect DUT instances with Interface signals in Top module.

In reply to J_M:

To be honest you do not really verify something. It is only an option to start with your sequence and test development early. What you are verifying ths an error in the first instance againct the same error in your second instance, which is not shown as an error.

actually i have delevoped a master and slave bfms of i2c but not able to synchronize both like the slave is trying to receive the address and ack before the master is sending .
can you please check my code once

Remove the fork/Join in the run_phase of your test.

But you have a few additional weaknesses:
(1) You do not need the reset_phase in your test
(2) You should never use the virtual interface in your test.