So I am trying to take a non-evenly-divisible number of bits of a 64 bit signal that is in a queue. For example 20 bits. I want to take the first 20 bits of the 64 bit signal, then the next 20 bits, then the next 20 bits. When I get 60 bits processed, I need to take the final 4 bits AND 16 of the next 64-bit value in the queue to form my 20 bits, then continue on 20 bits at a time.
int current_msb;
int slice_width = 20;
logic [63:0] current_w, next_w;
logic [63:0] queue[$];
logic [slice_width-1:0] out_sig;
initial begin
// looping mechanism
if (current_msb >= slice_width-1) begin
current_w = queue.pop_front(); // queue filled by some other process
out_sig = current_w[current_msb -: slice_width];
current_msb -= slice_width-1;
end else begin // handle remainder
int next_lsb = 63 - (slice_width-current_msb); // Get difference d [63:d]
next_w = queue.pop_front(); // guaranteed data present
// Get remainder of current_w and beginning of next_w to fill all slice_width bits
out_sig = {current_w[current_msb:0], next_w[63:next_lsb]};