Uvm_scoreboard out_of_order implementation


can someone help me to implement scoreboard logic
DUT which taken input address in order A1,B1,C1 and output address in any order ex B1,C1,A1 (out of order)


In reply to dddvlsique:

I would implement something on the below lines.

  • Capture your input address on the input monitor and send it to the scoreboard.
  • Capture your output address on the input monitor and send it to the scoreboard.
  • The idea is to capture all inputs in an array/queue, and delete the ones that show up on the output side.
  • Use a suitable datastructure to track inputs and outputs. Associative arrays seem a good choice here. (You can also use Queues, but Queues aren’t most efficient at deleting from the middle).
  • You can notice that I have only functions in my scoreboard. This is usually a good idea in most cases.
  • You can implement a timeout logic in your sequence, and flag any pending inputs in the report phase.

I have a simple systemverilog code below (you can easily convert the below to UVM).

class my_scoreboard;
  int address_aa [int];
  function void write_inputmonitor(int A_input);
    address_aa[A_input] = 1;
    $display("address_da = %p", address_aa);
  function void write_outputmonitor(int A_output);
    if(address_aa.exists(A_output)) begin
      $display("Found address %0d", A_output);
    end else 
      $error("Output address %0d not part of input", A_output);
  function void check_timeout();
    if(address_aa.size()==0) $display("Pass");
    else                     $error("Some addresses haven't been output yet.");

module test;
  my_scoreboard sb = new();
  initial begin
    #10; sb.write_inputmonitor(10);
    #10; sb.write_inputmonitor(20);
    #10; sb.write_inputmonitor(30);
    #10; sb.write_outputmonitor(20);
    #10; sb.write_outputmonitor(30);
    #10; sb.write_outputmonitor(10);
    #50; sb.check_timeout();