UVM Reporting

UVM Reporting


I am new to UVM and I have a conceptual doubts on how to use uvm reporting.

I got a BFM, which will display all the trasacastions handled. Now I need to redirect all messages to a log file.

Can somebody please explain how do it with an example.


In reply to deepak_infy:

I tried the below code:

class file_test extends pcie_top_base_test;
 // component macro
int fh, fh1;
  // component constructor
  function new(string name, uvm_component parent);
    super.new(name, parent);
  endfunction : new
  function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    uvm_config_wrapper::set(this, "tb.pcie_tx_env.tl_tx_env.tl_tx_agent.tl_tx_sequencer.run_phase",
  endfunction : build_phase

virtual task run();
  fh = $fopen ("my_test_fh.log","w");                     // opening two text files
  fh1= $fopen ("my_test_fh1.log","w");
  uvm_top.set_report_default_file(fh1);                           // setting default write file as fh1
 `uvm_info(get_name(),"Hello world",UVM_LOW)              // this will be printed only to terminal/ simulation log
                                                          // since 'set_report_severity_action' is not yet set
  $fdisplay(fh,"fdisplay - Hello world");                 // will be written irrespective of 'set_report_*' setting
  uvm_top.set_report_severity_action(UVM_INFO, UVM_LOG);          // redirecting `ovm_info ony to text file
 `uvm_info(get_name(),"My world",UVM_LOW)                 // will be in text file my_test_fh1.log
  $fdisplay(fh,"fdisplay - My world");
  uvm_top.set_report_default_file(fh);                            // setting default to fh, here after all `ovm_info woll be 
                                                          // directed to fh
                                                          // instead of fh1
uvm_top.set_report_severity_action(UVM_INFO, UVM_LOG | UVM_DISPLAY ); // setting `ovm_info to be directed to my_test_fh.log 
                                                          // and to terminal/ simulation log
  $fdisplay(fh1,"fdisplay1 - My world");
 `uvm_info(get_name(),"My last world :-) ",UVM_LOW)       // will be in text file my_test_fh.log 
                                                          // and in terminal/ simulation log

endclass :file_test

But nothing is written into file. I am not sure if I am missing something.

You set the file logging correctly for the uvm_top (used by info messages that are not components), but none of its children. Add the "hier" suffix to your set_report* calls.