hello everyone!
i’m facing a trouble with my virtual sequence (or, more likely, with my parameterized sequencer)
class enchancer_virtual_sequence extends uvm_sequence#( uvm_sequence_item );
v_data_sequencer #(
) v_data_seqr;
enchancer_coefs_sequencer enchancer_coefs_seqr;
v_data_sequence v_data_seq;
enchancer_coefs_sequence enchancer_coefs_seq;
function new( string name = "" );
super.new( name );
endfunction: new
task body();
fork: f_block
v_data_seq = v_data_sequence::type_id::create( .name( "v_data_seq" ) );
v_data_seq.start( .sequencer( v_data_seqr ), .parent_sequence( this ) );
disable f_block;
enchancer_coefs_seq = enchancer_coefs_sequence::type_id::create( .name( "enchancer_coefs_seq" ) );
enchancer_coefs_seq.start( .sequencer( enchancer_coefs_seqr ), .parent_sequence( this ) );
endtask: body
`uvm_object_utils( enchancer_virtual_sequence )
// `uvm_field_object( v_data_seq, UVM_ALL_ON )
// `uvm_field_object( enchancer_coefs_seq, UVM_ALL_ON )
// `uvm_object_utils_end
endclass: enchancer_virtual_sequence
when i declare v_data_sequencer (line (2) in code) i have following error:
# ** Error: (vsim-3046) C:/Program Files/Mentor Questasim SE 10b/win32/../verilog_src/uvm-1.0p1/src/base/uvm_registry.svh(64): Too many arguments to 'new'. Expected 1, found 2.
# Region: /uvm_pkg::uvm_component_registry::uvm_component_registry__10
it actually blew my mind: i can’t understand, what am i doing wrong?
here’s code for my sequencer and sequence_item:
class v_data_transaction #(
parameter V_DATA_WIDTH = 10,
parameter N_COMP = 1,
parameter Y_WIDTH = 10,
parameter X_WIDTH = 10
) extends uvm_sequence_item;
rand bit [N_COMP-1:0] [V_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] v_data;
bit [Y_WIDTH-1:0] y;
bit [X_WIDTH-1:0] x;
bit x_active;
function new( string name = "" );
super.new( name );
endfunction: new
`uvm_object_param_utils_begin( v_data_transaction #(
`uvm_field_int ( v_data, UVM_ALL_ON )
`uvm_field_int ( y, UVM_ALL_ON )
`uvm_field_int ( x, UVM_ALL_ON )
`uvm_field_int ( x_active, UVM_ALL_ON )
endclass: v_data_transaction
class v_data_sequencer #(
parameter V_DATA_WIDTH = 10,
parameter N_COMP = 1,
parameter Y_WIDTH = 10,
parameter X_WIDTH = 10
) extends uvm_sequencer#( v_data_transaction #(.V_DATA_WIDTH(V_DATA_WIDTH),
function new( string name = "" );
super.new( name );
endfunction: new
`uvm_component_param_utils( v_data_sequencer #(
if i comment line (2) in my virtual sequence, this error disappers, so what is wrong with v_data_sequencer? would appreciate any help with this)