UVM register report :unknown access right


I am planing to switch UVM1.1b to UVM1.1d, there is a error about using uvm register access.

this is my code, I want to map HPIRQLTCH_reg to this address 32’h00000028 ,and the access right is “W1C”
SW_MAP.add_reg(HPIRQLTCH_reg, 32’h00000028, “W1C”);

when I use UVM1.1B, no error
but when I use UVM1.1d, Questasim will report below error:
UVM_ERROR verilog_src/uvm-1.1d/src/reg/uvm_reg_field.svh(955) @ 0: reporter [RegModel] Register ‘reg_rm.HPIRQLTCH_reg’ containing field ‘PPSINT0’ is mapped in map ‘reg_rm.SW_MAP’ with unknown access right ‘W1C’

if I change “W1C” to “RO”, there is no error, why add_reg can not have “W1C” attribute?

Best Regards

You have to differentiate between register access rights and register field access rights. An entire register can only be made RW, RO, WO from a certain address map. Fields can contain a wide variety of access permissions (like W1C). What you see there is (most probably) a bug in UVM 1.1b that wasn’t flagging an error when you were adding the register.