Hi Everyone,
I have the following piece of code, which on compiling, error is shown.
task vl_group_interrupt(bit [2:0] grp_no);
bit [31:0] grp_addr;
bit [31:0] grp_data;
string reg_name = $psprintf("reg_model.abc_es_global_regs.es_global.TX_VL_GROUP %0d _INT_STATUS",grp_no);
reg_name .read(status,grp_data,.parent(this));
Got the below error while compiling.
*E,QAANBI (/proj/arinc664/users/mafsar/wa1/HIDA/verif_ip/bench/sequences/afdx_es_interrupt_seq_lib.sv,138|21): This is not a valid built in method name for this object. [SystemVerilog].
The variable reg_name is a string and only contains the methods appropriate for a string. You can’t use a string as another type of variable.
You will need to reference the register directly, or if you want to be flexible, you can use a string-based lookup to get the register.
Maybe Same question
When I ran the below code I got failed in other tool but Questa.
module top;
string s = "test[0]";
initial begin
if(s.match(".*[\\d].*") ) $display("MATCH");
else $display("NOMATCH");
I got the below message
QuestaSim-64 vlog 2021.3 Compiler 2021.07 Jul 13 2021
Start time: 10:31:34 on Dec 05,2022
vlog -writetoplevels questa.tops -timescale 1ns/1ns design.sv testbench.sv
-- Compiling module top
Top level modules:
End time: 10:31:35 on Dec 05,2022, Elapsed time: 0:00:01
Errors: 0, Warnings: 0
# vsim top -batch -do "vsim -voptargs=+acc=npr; run -all; exit" -voptargs="+acc=npr"
# Start time: 10:31:35 on Dec 05,2022
# ** Note: (vsim-3812) Design is being optimized...
# // Questa Sim-64
# // Version 2021.3 linux_x86_64 Jul 13 2021
# //
# // Copyright 1991-2021 Mentor Graphics Corporation
# // All Rights Reserved.
# //
# // QuestaSim and its associated documentation contain trade
# // secrets and commercial or financial information that are the property of
# // Mentor Graphics Corporation and are privileged, confidential,
# // and exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act,
# // 5 U.S.C. Section 552. Furthermore, this information
# // is prohibited from disclosure under the Trade Secrets Act,
# // 18 U.S.C. Section 1905.
# //
# Loading sv_std.std
# Loading work.top(fast)
# vsim -voptargs=+acc=npr
# run -all
# exit
# End time: 10:31:36 on Dec 05,2022, Elapsed time: 0:00:01
# Errors: 0, Warnings: 0
But when I ran with other tool, then I got error.
Is this Tool specific problem?