UVM Phases are virtual or non vritual

I have seen some places’ build phase is declared as virtual and some places non-virtual. what’s the difference between both of them and which one is recommended in what scenario?

function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);

why in the build phase it is important to call super.build_phase.


In reply to Abuzar Gaffari:

In SystemVerilog, once a method gets declared as
in a base class, it remains virtual in all derived classes. The
keyword becomes optional. I suggest always being explicit and using it.

If you use the `uvm_field_* automation macros in a uvm_component, some functionality will not work unless you call super.build_phase(). We recommend against using the field automation macros.

Hi Dave
Can you please explain why you suggest always declare the phases as virtual?
As I understand, adding virtual to a phase method in my class is exactly the same as without the virtual.

As I said above, it’s clearer to be explicit.