Uvm_mem with parameterized class

Can I extend a class from uvm_mem and model my memory as a parameterized class? I will call the super.new method of uvm_mem and want to make my memory size and depth as configurable.
For example,
class my_mem#(width,depth,access_policy) extends uvm_mem;

function new(string name = “my_mem”)
super.new(name, depth, width, access_policy, UVM_NO_COVERAGE);

Because I have a memory block which is configurable with sizes and access_policies. I want to model a memory in my tb using uvm_mem, but want to make the model more generic.

Could someone please help me here?

Thank You,
Karma Panchal

In reply to Panchalk:

I had given a try instantiating and created a parameterized class of uvm_mem. I see an elaboration error from the simulator as below:

xmelab: *E,TYCMPAT (./my_mem.sv,92|28): assignment operator type check failed (expecting datatype compatible with ‘class memory_pkg::my_mem#(.depth(16),.width(8),.rw_access_policy(1))’ but found ‘class memory_pkg::my_mem#(.depth(16),.width(8),.rw_access_policy(0))’ instead).

Below is the code I wrote:
my_mem.sv file:
class my_mem#(int depth =16, int width =8, int rw_access_policy = 0) extends uvm_mem;

string access_policy;

function void access ();
0: access_policy = “RW”;
1: access_policy = “RO”;
2: access_policy = “WO”;
default: `uvm_error(“UVM_MEM CLASS”,“Access policy not valid”)

`uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf(“ACCESS POLICY PICKED is %s”,access_policy),UVM_LOW)

//uvm_object_utils(my_mem) //or ?? uvm_object_param_utils(my_mem#(depth,width,rw_access_policy))

function new(string name = “my_mem”);
super.new(name, depth, width, access_policy, UVM_NO_COVERAGE);


my_reg_block.sv file: (Here is where I am instantiating the my_mem class and creating the model using create method.

my_mem#(.depth(16),.width(8),.rw_access_policy(1)) RAM;

virtual function void build();
RAM = my_mem::type_id::create(“RAM”);



Also, when I try to create the my_mem class with normal new() method than it works and I dont see the error stated above.
Could someone please suggest me the resolution to this?

Thank You,
Karma Panchal