UVM extension


I am a beginner in UVM. I would like to know whether these possibilities are available on the below mentioned code.

Code: Transaction

It includes the following variables:

rand bit[1:0] ina
rand bit[1:0] inb
bit[2:0] out

// code for transaction

class simpleadder_transaction extends uvm_sequence_item;
rand bit[1:0] ina;
rand bit[1:0] inb;
bit[2:0] out;

 function new(string name = "");
 endfunction: new

 `uvm_field_int(ina, UVM_ALL_ON)
 `uvm_field_int(inb, UVM_ALL_ON)
 `uvm_field_int(out, UVM_ALL_ON)

endclass: simpleadder_transaction

// When another test with 3 inputs is to done, the above transaction is extended as below.

class simpleadder_transaction_3inputs extends simpleadder_transaction;
rand bit[1:0] inc;

 function new(string name = "");
 endfunction: new

 `uvm_field_int(inc, UVM_ALL_ON)

endclass: simpleadder_transaction_3inputs

I need clarification on two scenario.

  1. Is it possible to extend the same class (simpleadder_transaction) in different agent in the same test bench.
  2. Is it possible to extend the same class (simpleadder_transaction) in an agent in the another test bench.

If possible, can you give idea on how to do that??

In reply to Pavithra:

If you have to do in another testbench import the package in that particular testbench