UVM environment reconfiguration/restructuring during test


I am working with a topic declared in the subject field. UVM env of my testbench is built upon hierarchy, i.e. the top env includes multiple instances of sub envs. Hierarchical env configuration is also in place, i.e. the top env config includes configs of the sub envs. As usual in the UVM methodology, my hierarchical env is configured once during the build phase of the test.

But now, I have a great interest to somehow enable restructuring of my test environment when running a test. I mean, so that, I could reconfigure some of my sub envs on the fly, i.e. to close the certain sub env(s) or change between passive/active nature of env(s) etc.

Could my point me out to any good paper(s) getting to the root of this problem? Or do you have any advices on how to enable reconfiguration?


Hi Ilia,

You might want to look at concept of

UVM phase jump

for dynamic reconfiguration of UVM environment.

See this for an idea. This paper here explains use of

UVM phase jump

for dynamic reset.

In reply to ilia:

A code snippet for phase jumping is available as part of my DVCon US advanced UVM tutorial, see: http://www.go2uvm.org/2016/07/advanced-uvm-tutorial-from-dvcon-us-2016-slides-now-available/


Hi mayurkubavat and Srini!

Between this question made at the time and today, a lot of time has passed and it isn’t that relevant anymore to me. Anyway, I am still interested to learn more on that reconfiguration one. Probably, your phase jumping concept is the most suitable approach to the reconfiguration. I think I need to come back to this later.
