What happens if we set the generated sequences in database and get those sequences from the database instead of using tlm ports?
Can we make a communication bw the two components using a database?
In reply to Manoj J:
You can always do whatever you want to do.
However, UVM stands for Universal Verification Methodology, with the purpose of having everything done in the same manner for portability and re-usabilty. The communication method between sequences, sequencers and drivers is well defined and should always be used.
In reply to Manoj J:
What happens if we set the generated sequences in database and get those sequences from the database instead of using tlm ports?
Can we make a communication bw the two components using a database?
I do not believ it is useful to put sequences to the database. I guess you mean seq_items. Of course you can do this, but have in mind generating 1 million seq_item will slow down your simulator. It is a very bad way to things like this.