Using sequence ( b ##1 (a[*0] ##0 c ) ), does it ever match?

I am trying following code

 always #5 clk = !clk;
  property p1;
    @(posedge clk) b ##1 (a[*0] ##0 c);
  assert property(p1) $display("T:%0t Pass",$time); else $display("T:%0t Fails",$time);

  initial begin
    #4; b = 1; c = 1;
    #12; $finish();

My understanding is that the equivalent expression for : *b ##1 (a[0] ##0 c) would be (b ##1 c) so I expected a pass at T:15.
However 2 tools throw a compilation error whereas the 3rd tool shows failure at T:15

In reply to dave_59:

Hi Dave,
A few follow-up questions
[Q1] With the parenthesis, is there a precedence involved ? i.e can I state that it is due to parenthesis that (a[*0] ##0 c) won’t have a match

the subsequence a[*0] ##0 c is degenerate and should not be allowed.

Consider the following property

property prop;
@(posedge clk) (a |-> b[*0:3]);

As per LRM 16.12.22

A sequence that admits no match or that admits only empty matches is called degenerate
A sequence that admits at least one nonempty match is called nondegenerate.
A sequence may admit both empty and nonempty matches, for example, a[*0:2].
This sequence admits an empty match and up to two nonempty matches: a and a[*2] .

*[Q2] Shouldn’t the consequent b[0:3] be considered a non-degenerate ? ( as it has three nonempty matches b[*1],b[*2] and b[*3]] )
When tested across tools I observe different output. Some throw an error while some consider the code legal. I understand that the forum isn’t meant to discuss tool specific issues, hence I checked the LRM.

LRM 16.12.22 says :

Any sequence that is used as a property shall be nondegenerate and shall not admit any empty match.

I find this statement a little confusing as a non-degenerate sequence can be an ‘or’ of empty as well as non-empty sequences used as property
i.e a non-degenerate sequence can comprise of empty as well non-empty sequences

The above LRM quote is an ‘and’ of 2 conditions i.e both conditions should be met
Condition1: Any sequence that is used as a property shall be nondegenerate
Condition2: Any sequence that is used as a property shall not admit any empty match

Although sequence b[*0:3] satisfies condition1, it doesn’t meet condition2 as it has an empty sequence b[*0]

[Q3] So from a strict LRM perspective doesn’t this mean that consequent b[*0:3] is illegal ?

*[Q4] Does the above LRM quote mean that a sequence that is used as a property should be a strictly non-degenerate sequence ?
i.e a sequence which admits only non-empty match ( Eg: b[1:3] )

In reply to dave_59:

Hi Dave,
Would like to hear your thoughts/comments on the above