Using assertion to detect glitch?

In reply to javatea:

in code, |=> means next cycle implication which is based on clocking event definition, right?

That statement is true; SVA is based on clocking events.
I don’t believe that you are using the “time” correctly. Below is an example from my SVA Handbook 4th Edition that demonstrates proper time usage.

10.34 Measuring clock periods
User's requirement: Check that the duty cycle of a clock is within acceptable limits.
The concept is simple: based on clock edges, measure the widths in which the clock is high and low, and compare the difference against an acceptable tolerance. The use of realtime type provides more accuracy. When using a concurrent assertion, local variables are used to hold the measured values. A multiclocking approach is used to trigger on each edge of the clock. module timem; // /ch10/10.34/
timeunit 100ps; timeprecision 100ps;
initial $timeformat(-9, 5, " ns", 10); // for display of time
bit clk, a, b;
property period_chk;
realtime current_time, deltat; // deltat used for debug, as a temp
('1,current_time = $time ) ##1
(1, deltat=current_time) ##0 deltat == 10ns;
ap_time: assert property(@(posedge clk) period_chk);
property period_chk2;
realtime current_time, deltat;
('1,current_time = $time ) ##1
(1, deltat=current_time) ##0 (deltat >= 9.99ns && deltat<= 10.01ns); //
ap_time2: assert property(@(posedge clk) period_chk2); 

Ben Cohen
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