Using and / or operator within Multi -clocked Sequence

In reply to MICRO_91:
The key to understanding multiclocking is to understand that a clock flow into a parenthesized (or declared) sequence, but it does not flow out of it. I explain clock flow in my book. Here is a section of it.

I also made some misstatements

But I am puzzled by

  ap1a:assert property ( @(posedge clk0)  A  |=>  mclocks ) ;  //  *** ILLegal
// ILLEGAL by tool vendors.  I thought that the clock would flow into the sequence
//BUT the following is OK 
    ap1b:assert property ( @(posedge clk0)  A  |=> (@(posedge clk1) B and @(posedge clk2) C)); 


module lce;
    bit clk, clk0, clk1, clk2, a, b, c, d, e; 
    initial forever #10 clk=!clk; 

    // Illegal, no leading clocking event 
    ap_and2_seq_ERROR: assert property(
        (@ (posedge clk) a ##1 b) and 
        (c ##2 d) // illegal

    // Illegal, no leading clocking event
    // both sequences start concurrently 
    ap_and2_seq_ERROR2: assert property(
        (@ (posedge clk) a ##1 b) and 
        (@ (posedge clk2) c ##2 d)  
        );  // has multiple leading clocks for its maximal property

    // OK, one leading clocking event 
    ap_and2ab: assert property(@ (posedge clk0) 1|-> 
        (@ (posedge clk) a ##1 b) and 
        (@ (posedge clk2) c ##2 d)   

    // Illegal, no leading clocking event
    // both properties start concurrently 
    ap_and2_Prop_ERROR: assert property(
        (@ (posedge clk) 1 |-> a ##1 b) and 
        (@ (posedge clk2) 1 |-> c ##2 d)   
    // OK, Same leading clocking event
    // both properties start concurrently 
    ap_and2_Prop_OK_same_clk: assert property(
        (@ (posedge clk) 1 |-> a ##1 b) and 
        (@ (posedge clk) 1 |-> c ##2 d)   

    ap_and2_Prop_OK: assert property(@ (posedge clk0) 1 |-> 
        (@ (posedge clk) 1 |-> a ##1 b) and 
        (@ (posedge clk2) 1 |-> c ##2 d)   
    ap_mult_clk: assert property(
        @ (posedge clk1) a [*0:1] ##1  //   illegal a[*0] is empty
        @ (posedge clk2) b[*0:2] ##1 c); //  illegal b[*0] is empty
endmodule : lce