Usage of $realtime


I want to print the current time of simulation using $realtime.
For e.g.
Let my current simulation timestamp is 96571495 (unit is ps).
When I try to print it as :

It prints value : 96571000

How to fix it?

Use timeformat:

$timeformat(-9, 3, "ns", 8);
//$timeformat params:
//1) Scaling factor (–9 for nanoseconds, –12 for picoseconds)
//2) Number of digits to the right of the decimal point
//3) A string to print after the time value
//4) Minimum field width

$display("%t", $realtime);

In reply to svru:
SystemVerilog always scales and rounds the result of $realtime to the local timescale and precision. You need to make sure the time precision of the module, package, or interface where the $display is located is in ps.

Hi Sir
I have one doubt in uvm timescale method
i am used the run command in 1ns/10ps so print the value in i can’t understand the ns value

task tCSP_timing_check;
  @(negedge mon_if.CE_N);
   @(posedge mon_if.CLK);
      //@(posedge clk);

          //$info("CE_N setup realtime to clk rising edge is crt");
             `uvm_info(get_full_name(),$sformatf("CE_N setup realtime to clk rising edge is crt"),UVM_LOW);
        else begin 
          //$error("CE_N setup realtime is violation");
           `uvm_error("tCSP_Error","CE_N setup realtime is violation");

In this task how to print in $timeformat method to print ns value

Hi Sir,
I have used 1ns/10ps. I want the values to be printed in ps and I can see only ns values.
Please explain me were I am wrong

I have also made changes as per your guidelines

In reply to baladevi:


  //if you want to print the value in the ns:
  $timeformat(-9, 3, "ns", 8);
//$timeformat params:
//1) Scaling factor (–9 for nanoseconds, –12 for picoseconds)
//2) Number of digits to the right of the decimal point
//3) A string to print after the time value
//4) Minimum field width

  //if you want to print the value in the ps:
  $timeformat(-12, 3, "ps", 8);