Usage of configuration method and method naming

Dear All,

I would came across 2 uvm files as the below,

class test_tb extends uvm_env;


  test_env test0;
    uvm_config_int::set(this, "test0", "test_id", 0);
    test0 = test_env::type_id::create("test0", this);

  endfunction : build_phase



class test_env extends uvm_env;

  int test_id = 0;
    `uvm_field_int(test_id, UVM_ALL_ON)
  function void test_env::build_phase(uvm_phase phase);

    uvm_config_int::set(this, "*", "test_id", test_id); 


From 2 above example, I got some query about the usage of configuration method.

  1. can we put uvm_config_int::set from multiple class?
    As you can see the above example, There are used 2 configuration set methods.
uvm_config_int::set(this, "test0", "test_id", 0); and  uvm_config_int::set(this, "*", "test_id", test_id); 

Is that have any problem such as race condition? you can see the both of uvm_config_int::set are implemented in the build_phase(). I think the same (set) function implemented in different class. So confused this methods. How do I interpret both of uvm_config_int::set~~~~ ?

In reply to UVM_LOVE:

if we look into UVM_LRM section C.4.2, below statement is written.

If a setting is made at build time, the cntxt hierarchy is used to determine the setting’s precedence in the
database. Settings from hierarchically higher levels have higher precedence

As, in your case “test_tb” higher level component then “test_env”.
So, test_id set via “test_tb” will be visible up to test0.
However, set via “test_env” visible to test_env’s all lower level component.
