Unable to retrieve config_obj



I have an error in retrieving the configuration object after compilation. May I know why am I not able to get the object.

Here is the link to APB_BRIDGE

In reply to sai_pra99:

You have several typos

In your apb_test, you wrote


but it should have been “apb_agnt”.

In your clocking block, you wrote

output paddr,psel,penable,pwdata, paddr;

but you have paddr twice.

In your apb_agent, you wrote


The “" should have been the null string “”. Although either works in this case because of the wildcards used in the set. You are actually doing a get at a level below the context of the get(). The uvm_config_db treats the context as {this.get_fullname, “.”, "”} which is “uvm_test_top.env.apb_agnt.*.m_cfg”.