I wrote class:
class Point;
rand int x;
rand int y;
constraint range{
x >= -32768;
x <= 32767;
y >= -32768;
y <= 32767;
constraint crt{
x**2 + y**2 <= AMP1**2;
x**2 + y**2 >= AMP0**2;}
constraint corner{
x dist {-32768 :/ 10, [-32767:-1]:/ 100, 0:/ 10, [1:32766] :/ 100, 32767 :/ 10};
y dist {-32768 :/ 10, [-32767:-1]:/ 100, 0:/ 10, [1:32766] :/ 100, 32767 :/ 10};
Type of AMP0 and AMP1 variables is int.
I wrote covergroup:
amp_dist: coverpoint x**2 + y**2
bins amp_0 = {[0:214748364]}; // нормальное распределение
bins amp_1 = {[214748364 + 1: 214748364*2]};
bins amp_2 = {[214748364*2 + 1 : 214748364*3]};
bins amp_3 = {[214748364*3 + 1 : 214748364*4]};
bins amp_4 = {[214748364*4 + 1 : 32768**2]};
After run -all command I see in Questa console this
run -all
# ** Warning: (vsim-3881) ../vip/cordic_rec_to_polar_test.sv(65): Width conversion applied in bin 'amp_0' for Coverpoint 'amp_dist'. Value '32'h0ccccccc' changed to '16'h7fff (maximum)' value.
# Time: 111 ns Iteration: 2 Instance: /cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test
# ** Warning: (vsim-3882) ../vip/cordic_rec_to_polar_test.sv(65): Out of bounds value range in bin 'amp_0' for Coverpoint 'amp_dist' converted to nearest valid bounded range of [16'h0000:16'h7fff].
# Time: 111 ns Iteration: 2 Instance: /cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test
# ** Warning: (vsim-3881) ../vip/cordic_rec_to_polar_test.sv(66): Width conversion applied in bin 'amp_1' for Coverpoint 'amp_dist'. Value '32'h0ccccccd' changed to '16'h7fff (maximum)' value.
# Time: 111 ns Iteration: 2 Instance: /cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test
# ** Warning: (vsim-3881) ../vip/cordic_rec_to_polar_test.sv(66): Width conversion applied in bin 'amp_1' for Coverpoint 'amp_dist'. Value '32'h19999998' changed to '16'h7fff (maximum)' value.
# Time: 111 ns Iteration: 2 Instance: /cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test
# ** Warning: (vsim-8475) ../vip/cordic_rec_to_polar_test.sv(66): The invalid value range [32'h0ccccccd : 32'h19999998] is found in bin 'amp_1' of Coverpoint 'amp_dist'. It will be ignored.
# Time: 111 ns Iteration: 2 Instance: /cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test
# ** Warning: (vsim-8549) After dropping the illegal, ignore or invalid values, the values list associated with scalar bin 'amp_1' in Coverpoint 'amp_dist' of Covergroup instance '\/cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test/chid ' has converged to empty list. The bin will be taken out of coverage calculation.
# Time: 111 ns Iteration: 2 Instance: /cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test
# ** Warning: (vsim-3881) ../vip/cordic_rec_to_polar_test.sv(67): Width conversion applied in bin 'amp_2' for Coverpoint 'amp_dist'. Value '32'h19999999' changed to '16'h7fff (maximum)' value.
# Time: 111 ns Iteration: 2 Instance: /cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test
# ** Warning: (vsim-3881) ../vip/cordic_rec_to_polar_test.sv(67): Width conversion applied in bin 'amp_2' for Coverpoint 'amp_dist'. Value '32'h26666664' changed to '16'h7fff (maximum)' value.
# Time: 111 ns Iteration: 2 Instance: /cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test
# ** Warning: (vsim-8475) ../vip/cordic_rec_to_polar_test.sv(67): The invalid value range [32'h19999999 : 32'h26666664] is found in bin 'amp_2' of Coverpoint 'amp_dist'. It will be ignored.
# Time: 111 ns Iteration: 2 Instance: /cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test
# ** Warning: (vsim-8549) After dropping the illegal, ignore or invalid values, the values list associated with scalar bin 'amp_2' in Coverpoint 'amp_dist' of Covergroup instance '\/cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test/chid ' has converged to empty list. The bin will be taken out of coverage calculation.
# Time: 111 ns Iteration: 2 Instance: /cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test
# ** Warning: (vsim-3881) ../vip/cordic_rec_to_polar_test.sv(68): Width conversion applied in bin 'amp_3' for Coverpoint 'amp_dist'. Value '32'h26666665' changed to '16'h7fff (maximum)' value.
# Time: 111 ns Iteration: 2 Instance: /cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test
# ** Warning: (vsim-3881) ../vip/cordic_rec_to_polar_test.sv(68): Width conversion applied in bin 'amp_3' for Coverpoint 'amp_dist'. Value '32'h33333330' changed to '16'h7fff (maximum)' value.
# Time: 111 ns Iteration: 2 Instance: /cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test
# ** Warning: (vsim-8475) ../vip/cordic_rec_to_polar_test.sv(68): The invalid value range [32'h26666665 : 32'h33333330] is found in bin 'amp_3' of Coverpoint 'amp_dist'. It will be ignored.
# Time: 111 ns Iteration: 2 Instance: /cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test
# ** Warning: (vsim-8549) After dropping the illegal, ignore or invalid values, the values list associated with scalar bin 'amp_3' in Coverpoint 'amp_dist' of Covergroup instance '\/cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test/chid ' has converged to empty list. The bin will be taken out of coverage calculation.
# Time: 111 ns Iteration: 2 Instance: /cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test
# ** Warning: (vsim-3881) ../vip/cordic_rec_to_polar_test.sv(69): Width conversion applied in bin 'amp_4' for Coverpoint 'amp_dist'. Value '32'h33333331' changed to '16'h7fff (maximum)' value.
# Time: 111 ns Iteration: 2 Instance: /cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test
# ** Warning: (vsim-3881) ../vip/cordic_rec_to_polar_test.sv(69): Width conversion applied in bin 'amp_4' for Coverpoint 'amp_dist'. Value '32'h40000000' changed to '16'h7fff (maximum)' value.
# Time: 111 ns Iteration: 2 Instance: /cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test
# ** Warning: (vsim-8475) ../vip/cordic_rec_to_polar_test.sv(69): The invalid value range [32'h33333331 : 32'h40000000] is found in bin 'amp_4' of Coverpoint 'amp_dist'. It will be ignored.
# Time: 111 ns Iteration: 2 Instance: /cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test
# ** Warning: (vsim-8549) After dropping the illegal, ignore or invalid values, the values list associated with scalar bin 'amp_4' in Coverpoint 'amp_dist' of Covergroup instance '\/cordic_rec_to_polar_tb_top/test/chid ' has converged to empty list. The bin will be taken out of coverage calculation.
I think it is wrong type conversion.
I need to use shortint in class, but how to write valid code for covergroup and for constraint?
I tryed to use static conversation with int`() but it does not work.