Time Unit for the time limit in $recovery


What is the unit of time in the time limit argument of the system task $recovery?

$recovery(posedge rst, posedge clk, 0.1, NOTIFIER);

And what is the value of the NOTIFIER for me to know if there’s a timing violation?



The time unit is determined by module the timing check is located in.

The value of a notifier is described in 31.6 Notifiers: user-defined responses to timing violations. You do not use the value of a notifier, just the event caused by a change in the value.

In reply to dave_59:

Hi Dave, thanks for that. I think you’re talking about the IEEE Standard for System Verilog - Unified Hardware Design, Specification, and Verification Language. Do we have a downloadable PDF of that document here in Verification Academy? I was searching in Google for any downloadable PDF file but it only gives me a weblink.

In reply to Reuben:


In reply to dave_59:

Thanks Dave.