Systemverilog mailbox passing parameter

Hi, I have defined the follow

typedef mailbox #(transaction) stream_pkt_mbox;

class transaction #(parameter data_bus_width = 8, address_bus_width = 32);
  rand bit [data_bus_width-1:0]     data;
  rand bit [address_bus_width-1:0]  addr;
endclass : transaction

class stream_packet_driver #(parameter data_bus_width = 8, address_bus_width = 32);
 stream_pkt_mbox  mbox_pkt_dvr;
 transaction      pkt_transaction;

Question is, in different places of my testbench, I wanted to call this stream_packet_driver with different data/address_bus_width. How do I pass the new data/address_bus_width down to the mailbox level?

For example,

class bus1_driver #(parameter data_bus_width = 16, address_bus_width = 16);
 stream_packet_driver  #(data_bus_width,address_bus_width) bus1_dvr; 
 stream_pkt_mbox                                           bus1_dvr_mbox; //HOW TO PASS NEW PARAMETER VALUES????

class bus2_driver #(parameter data_bus_width = 8, address_bus_width = 24);
 stream_packet_driver  #(data_bus_width,address_bus_width) bus2_dvr;
 stream_pkt_mbox                                           bus2_dvr_mbox; //HOW TO PASS NEW PARAMETER VALUES????

In reply to okc177:

Two options

  1. Don’t use
    and pass the parameters to the mailbox declaration inside your drivers. You are going to need a parameterized transaction to receive when you do a get() from your mailbox anyways
class bus1_driver #(parameter data_bus_width = 16, address_bus_width = 16);
typedef transaction#(data_bus_width,address_bus_width)    bus1_transaction_t;
stream_packet_driver  #(data_bus_width,address_bus_width) bus1_dvr;
mailbox#(bus1_transaction_t)                              bus1_dvr_mbox;
  1. Use an unparameterized common transaction base class with your mailbox. You will need $cast() the item you get() from the mailbox to the correct parameterized transaction.

One other recommendation is that you do not specify default parameter values. That would make
illegal, or any use of
without the width overrides.