In reply to markylew:
You have to look at the syntax.
1800’2018 16.3 Immediate assertions
immediate_assertion_statement ::=
| deferred_immediate_assertion_statement
simple_immediate_assert_statement ::=
assert ( expression ) action_block
action_block ::=
| [ statement ] else statement_or_null
ERR_reset_went_unknown: assert(!$isunknown(Reset)) // assert ( expression )
else $error("ERR_reset_went_unknown"); // [ statement ] else statement_or_null
// note that from the syntax on the action_block the [statement] is optional.
// thus, thus the following is in ERROR
assert(!$isunknown(Reset)); else $error("ERR_reset_went_unknown");
// because
assert(!$isunknown(Reset)); // this follows the syntax of
assert ( expression ) null; // The ";" is the end of simple_immediate_assert_statement
// so what you have
assert(!$isunknown(Reset)); // a legal statement, DONE here with that statement
else $error("ERR_reset_went_unknown"); // else? no legal statement starts with "else'
// what is that funny "else' statement? It's hanging there!! illegal!