System verilog interface and NULL pointer dereference ERROR

Hi all !
I got stuck with this error while attempt to create a simple SV verification environent: here a quick description:

i have an interface called count_bfm


interface count_bfm (input bit clk);
                         logic   reset;
                         logic   cmd_in;

task automatic write_cmd (       

task automatic read_cmd (     

endinterface: count_bfm

a PACKAGE in which I declare the interface handler

package test_params_pkg;
  virtual count_bfm  v_count_bfm_rtl; // virtual interface
  virtual count_bfm  v_count_bfm_mod; // virtual interface

a TOP in which i instantiate the rtl and the SV model for parallel verification with

module top;

  // clk generatiion
  bit clk;
  forever #50 clk = !clk;

  // create "real" interface & DUT
  count_bfm count_bfm_rtl (clk); // new interface instance for rtl
  count_bfm count_bfm_mod (clk); // new interface instance for model

  // rtl instantiation
  rtl_inst (...connect with count_bfm_rtl...);

  // instatiate model
  model_inst(...connect with count_bfm_mod...);

initial begin
    test_params_pkg::v_count_bfm_rtl =  count_bfm_rtl;  // connect virtual to real interface 
    test_params_pkg::v_count_bfm_mod =  count_bfm_mod;  // connect virtual to real interface 

a DRIVER that receives transactions from a mailbox (omitted and send them to the interface)

class count_driver;

 virtual count_bfm  vif_rtl;
 virtual count_bfm  vif_mod;

 task run();
  vif_rtl = test_params_pkg::v_count_bfm_rtl; // set virtual if
  vif_mod = test_params_pkg::v_count_bfm_mod; // set virtual if

  forever begin
   $display("DRIVER STARTED");
   // send transaction to rtl interface and model interface
   vif_rtl.write_cmd(... );

i cannot understand why i got *xmsim: E,TRNULLID: NULL pointer dereference. when calling vif_rtl.write_cmd(… );

actually i created 2 interface and correctly connected them using same virtual interface handler in the package !